blow a fuse

美 [bloʊ ə fjuːz]英 [bləʊ ə fjuːz]
  • 勃然大怒;大发雷霆
blow a fuseblow a fuse


get very angry and fly into a rage
The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question
Spam makes me go ballistic
Synonym: flip one's lid blow up throw a fit hit the roof hit the ceiling have kittens have a fit combust blow one's stack fly off the handle flip one's wig lose one's temper go ballistic


  1. There 's no need to blow a fuse over such a little problem .


  2. Analysis and Disposal for That Single-Phase Blow a Fuse for PT 'S Measure Loop


  3. After three months of babysitting , I think I 'm going to blow a fuse .


  4. The trouble with Roy is he 's likely to blow a fuse and hit someone .


  5. Did we blow a fuse , or is this a blackout ?


  6. The referee was so unfair that they were about to blow a fuse .


  7. You might recognize blow a fuse as a term describing short-circuiting of some kind , because of the word fuse


  8. You 'll blow a fuse if you put the electric heater and the TV and all the lights on at the same time .


  9. You 'll blow a fuse if you try and plug the washing machine and the electric heater into the same socket .


  10. So be careful when you are using this slang because the phrase blow a fuse can come across as rude if said in a forceful or inconsiderate way


  11. Keith : That 's exactly what I 'm talking about . I knew that if I did not take some time off soon , I 'd really ③ blow a fuse .


  12. This word is blow , and the slangs are blow a fuse and blow your mind
